What is SmuvveBUST treatment?
SmuvveBUST treatment is a safe, non-invasive and effective procedure that will enhance the shape of your breasts naturally. Especially well liked by clients, this customised bust treatment produce much more benefits than you think!
With no downtime, you can see results almost instantly! Upon your first session with us, our SmuvveBUST specialist will provide you with an initial consulation session and assess your current condition. This would provide us to understand your current bust issues and your expected goal. With this information, we are able to provide a customised action plan to achieve the goals together with you.
Every lady will have their own bust goal. It can range from not having the desired size, shape, contour or saggy bust! At Smuvve, we work towards individual client goal to provide the right treatment for you. Here are the main benefits of SmuvveBUST treatment!
★ Bust Enhancement
Not satisfied with the fullness of your bust? This would usually be the first thought when clients approach us. SmuvveBUST helps obtain fullness to your bust and provide firmness to it. The treatment will also increase the density of fat tissues in chest for firmer bust. However, that is not all! Aside from Bust Enhancement, there are still many benefits to SmuvveBUST treatment.
★ Bust Lifting
Unfortunately, there can be many reason which can cause mild saggy or saggy bust. Usually due to lifestyle factor, increase in age or even post pregnancy effects, there can be obvious difference on your bust and we are here to assist you on it!
SmuvveBUST treatment will help lift your bosoms back to where they are supposed to be! Our Aestheticians massage helps to stimulate acupoints and mammary glands bringing back the ideal bust you’ve been looking at.
★ Bust Detox
One of the most well liked effects of SmuvveBUST is Bust Detox. Our SmuvveBUST is able to remove toxin from the lymphatic system and improves blood circulation around the bust area. Ultimately, it will greatly reduce the risk of any bust related illness and welcome a healthier you!
SmuvveBUST treatment helps to provide a full bust care coverage from initial consultation stage to achieving your goals. The initial consulation session would be critical as we would understand your current condition and setting expectations right. As individual results vary on everyone, our aestheticians will advise you accordingly upon the first assessment during the consultation on which treatment would be suitable for you! Head down now for you non obligatory consulation session now!
No Hard Selling
At Smuvve Aesthetics, we do not encourage hard selling at all. We believe and insist to create a fun and happy environment for all our clients. Any hard selling technique is not allowed and had been made clear to our staffs. Our job is to provide our professional advise and recommendation and the all clients enjoy their freedom to make decision of their own and we respect everyone's decision. This is also why all our clients enjoy their treatment at Smuvve!
Non- Surgical/Non-Invasive Treatment
SmuvveBUST treatment does not require any oral medication at all. Our all natural treatment and massage is non-surgical, non-invasive and most importantly no down time at all!
Results Orientated
We focus alot on results at Smuvve and we strive to achieve the best results for every individual client based on their needs and goals. Providing results that last for our clients have been our all time goal irregardless of which treatment we are providing and we will constantly be working with you to attain our common goal and the results you have always been looking for!