What is the difference between IPL & SHR?
The most common in the market known to consumers are IPL hair removal. Many have tried treatments from IPL but do you really know how it works? Let is summarize it for you!
IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Treatments:
- Single Pulsed at High Intensity
- Intense Light Converted into Heat energy to damage hair follicles
- Darker Skin Client would experience discomfort during their treatments
- Minimal damage would be done to the Skin
SHR (Speed Hair Removal)
There is a recent rise in SHR or Speed Hair Removal in other countries and this technology have been brought into Singapore! More than 80% of our clients that approached us have raised their concern on what exactly is SHR. It is a newer technology which is an improved version of IPL Technology which produce better result on your hair removal journey!
SHR (Speed Hair Removal) Treatments:
- Newer technology which is an improved version of IPL
- Much more gentle pulse but at at higher intensity rate
- Targets more than IPL and also targets on cells responsible for production of hair
- Less discomfort to clients but higher efficiency rate compared to IPL
- Suitable for all Skin Types and for both coarse and fine hairs
One of the most confusing point we realized is majority whom have done Permanent Hair Removal for years did not know what is the right intervals between appointments. Some say once a week, once every two weeks, as soon as possible. So what is right and what's not? This links back to the core basics of Permanent Hair Removal.
How does hair removal works?
Let's do a recap on how Hair removal actually works. This is one of the most important point but many seems to not know it despite going for treatment for a period of time from other places. Your hair grows in cycles of phases, namely:
- Anagen (Growth) Phase
Catagen (Transition) Phase
Telogen (Resting) Phase
Exogen (Shedding) Phase
For most people, renewal of growth is experienced every 4-6 weeks. Laser hair removal procedures are effective only during the Anagen (Growth) Stage.
The latest Hair removal technology work effectively by destroying the hair follicles in this Anagen (Growth) phase and it is crucial to leave sufficient break times between sessions to treat hair follicles once they re-enter the growth cycle. The Growth phase also varies between different area.
This is why we guarantee once a month treatment for all our clients so you no longer have to make extra trip down for treatment that have no effects on your hair removal journey!